Results for 'M. A. Delia A. Candelario'

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    George Tyrrell and Karl Rahner: A dialogue on revelation.M. A. Delia A. Candelario - 2009 - Heythrop Journal 50 (1):44-57.
    The reality of revelation was one of the fundamental questions that\noccupied George Tyrrell as a writer until he died on 15 July 1909. The\ncentenary of his death is an opportune time to engage this English\nModernist in a dialogue with Karl Rahner on the subject of revelation.\nTyrrell insists on the primacy of the interior experience of revelation.\nAn exaggerated emphasis on inner religious experience, however, led him\ninevitably to a separation of the interior dimension of revelation from\nits verbal expressions and doctrinal formulations.\nRahner also (...)
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    Decoupling Office Energy Efficiency From Employees' Well-Being and Performance: A Systematic Review.Malgorzata W. Kozusznik, Laurentiu Paul Maricutoiu, José M. Peiró, Delia Mihaela Vîrgǎ, Aida Soriano & Carolina Mateo-Cecilia - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  3. Generalizing from the Instances.Delia Graff Fara - manuscript
    ABSTRACT: If an event of one kind does not always lead to an event of a second given kind, it does not follow (of course) that the occurrence of an event of the first kind can never explain the occurrence of an event of the second kind. I’m concerned here with cases of belief. In the service of defending a plausible “boundary-shifting” solution to the sorites paradox, I argue that a certain paradoxical belief(in the universally-generalized premise of the sorites paradox) (...)
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    Philosophy for the 21st century: a comprehensive reader.Steven M. Cahn & Delia Graff Fara (eds.) - 2002 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Philosophy for the 21st Century, an introductory anthology, is an extraordinarily comprehensive collection of historical and contemporary readings. It covers all major fields, including not only metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, and philosophy of religion, but also philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, philosophy of language, political philosophy, and philosophy of art. This volume is unique in drawing on the judgments of a new generation of scholars, each of whom has chosen the articles and provided the introduction for one section of the (...)
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  5. Adina Bozga: Dan Zahavi, Husserl and Transcendental Intersubjectivity. A Response to the Linguistic Pragmatic CritiqueDelia Popa: Françoise Dastur, Chair et langage. Essais sur Merleau-PontyMihail Neamtu: Jean Greisch (éd.), Michel Henry et l'épreuve de la vieAdina Bozga: Elisabeth Ströker, The Husserlian Foundations of ScienceDaniela Palasan, John McCumber, Metaphysics and Oppression, Heidegger's Challenge to Western PhilosophyHoraţiu Crişan: Marc Richir, Phénoménologie en esquisses. Nouvelles fondationsLigia Beltechi: Raphaël Gély, La genèse du sentir. Essai sur Merleau-PontyRoxana Albu: John Sallis, Force of Imagination: The Sense of the ElementalCiprian Tiprigan: Bin Kimura, L'entre. Une approche phénoménologique de la schizophrénieRadu M. Oancea: Dermot Moran, Tim Mooney (eds.), The Phenomenology ReaderDorel Bucur, Ion Copoeru, Structuri ale constituiriiAnca Dumitru, Fabio Ciaramelli, La distruzione del'desiderio. Il narcisismo nell'epoca di consumo di massaCiprian Mîinea, Pierre. [REVIEW]Adina Bozga, Delia Popa, Mihail Neamtu, Daniela Palasan, Horatiu Crisan, Ligia Beltechi, Roxana Albu, Ciprian Tiprigan, Radu M. Oancea, Dorel Bucur, Anca Dumitru & Ciprian Mîinea - 2002 - Studia Phaenomenologica 2 (3):191-243.
    Dan ZAHAVI, Husserl and Transcendental Intersubjectivity. A Response to the Linguistic-Pragmatic Critique ; Françoise DASTUR, Chair et langage. Essais sur Merleau-Ponty ; Jean GREISCH, Michel Henry et l’épreuve de la vie ; Elisabeth STRÖKER, The Husserlian Foundations of Science ; John McCUMBER, Metaphysics and Oppression, Heidegger’s Challenge to Western Philosophy ; Marc RICHIR, Phénoménologie en esquisses. Nouvelles fondations ; Raphaël GÉLY, La genèse du sentir. Essai sur Merleau-Ponty ; John SALLIS, Force of Imagination: The Sense of the Elemental ; Bin (...)
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  6. Further Steps towards a Theory of Descriptions as Predicates.Delia Graff Fara - 2016 - Analytic Philosophy 57 (2):91-109.
    Descriptions are predicates. Here, I'll take this to mean either of two basically equivalent things: that they have extensions as their semantic values, sets of entities, in the broadest sense; or that they have type-〈e,t〉 functions as their semantic values, functions from entities, in the broadest sense, to truth values. An entity in the broadest sense is anything that can be the subject of a first-order predication. Examples are individuals, pluralities, masses, and kinds. Here I'm including entities in this broadest (...)
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  7. Advenir à soi-m'me è partir de ce qui excède. Claude Romano et l'aventure du sens [Claude Romano, L'événement et le monde, L'événement et le temps, Il y a].Delia Popa - 2002 - Studia Phaenomenologica 4 (1):191-208.
    The three books recently published by C. Romano reconsider the phenomenological senses of world and time starting from the event as original phenomena. This review-article explores the new method that he propose, called “evenimential hermeneutics”, as applied to the relation to ourselves, to the world and to the general sense of being. These analyses lean upon an original way of thinking time, as born in each “sudden” moment. The paper also draws comparisons with Heidegger, Husserl and Lévinas, while proposing a (...)
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  8. El docente en la modernización educativa.Candelario Degante Castañeda - 2012 - In Julián Pérez, María Antonieta, Humberto Maldonado Gómez, Candelario Degante Castañeda & Ramón Espinosa Contreras, Educación y filosofía. México, D.F.: Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero.
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    Ptolemy of Egypt.Diana Delia & Walter M. Ellis - 1996 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 116 (4):767.
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  10. (1 other version)Antonio Caso y su impacto cultural en el intelecto mexicano.Delia Leonor M. Sutton - 1971 - México,: Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público.
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  11. Book Reviews: Jean Grondin, Paul Ricoeur, Paris: PUF, 2013 (Luca M. Possati); François Dosse et Catherine Goldenstein (éds.), Paul Ricoeur : penser la mémoire, Paris, Seuil, 2013 (Aurore Dumont); Gert-Jan van der Heiden, The Truth (and Untruth) of Language. Heidegger, Ricoeur and Derrida on Disclosure and Displacement, Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press (Paul-Gabriel Sandu); Marc-Antoine Vallée, Gadamer et Ricoeur. La conception herméneutique du langage, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2012, coll. «Philosophica»,(Paul Marinescu); Saulius Geniusas, The Origins of the Horizon in Husserl's Phenomenology, Dordrecht: Springer, Series: Contributions to Phenomenology, Vol. 67, 2012 (Witold Płotka); Annabelle Dufourcq, La dimension imaginaire du réel dans la philosophie de Husserl, Dordrecht: Springer, 2011, coll.: Phaenomenologica 198 (Delia Popa); Denis Seron, Ce que voir veut dire. Essai sur la perception, Paris: Éditions du Cerf, 2012 (Maria Gyemant); Hans Frie. [REVIEW]Luca M. Possati, Aurore Dumont, Paul-Gabriel Sandu, Paul Marinescu, Witold Płotka, Delia Popa, Maria Gyemant, Christian Ferencz-Flatz, Bogdan Mincă, Denisa Butnaru, Ovidiu Stanciu & Mădălina Diaconu - 2013 - Studia Phaenomenologica 13:469-508.
    Luca M. Possati, Jean Grondin, Paul Ricoeur ; Aurore Dumont, François Dosse et Catherine Goldenstein, Paul Ricoeur: penser la mémoire ; Paul-Gabriel Sandu, Gert-Jan van der Heiden, The Truth of Language. Heidegger, Ricoeur and Derrida on Disclosure and Displacement ; Paul Marinescu, Marc-Antoine Vallée, Gadamer et Ricoeur. La conception herméneutiquedu langage ; Witold Płotka, Saulius Geniusas, Th e Origins of the Horizon in Husserl’s Phenomenology ; Delia Popa, Annabelle Dufourcq, La dimension imaginaire du réel dans la philosophie de Husserl (...)
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  12. Vagueness.Delia Graff & Timothy Williamson (eds.) - 1994 - London and New York: Ashgate.
    If you’ve read the first five hundred pages of this book, you’ve read most of it (we assume that ‘most’ requires more than ‘more than half’). The set of natural numbers n such that the first n pages are most of this book is nonempty. Therefore, by the least number principle, it has a least member k. What is k? We do not know. We have no idea how to find out. The obstacle is something about the term ‘most’. It (...)
  13. Names Are Predicates.Delia Graff Fara - 2015 - Philosophical Review 124 (1):59-117.
    One reason to think that names have a predicate-type semantic value is that they naturally occur in count-noun positions: ‘The Michaels in my building both lost their keys’; ‘I know one incredibly sharp Cecil and one that's incredibly dull’. Predicativism is the view that names uniformly occur as predicates. Predicativism flies in the face of the widely accepted view that names in argument position are referential, whether that be Millian Referentialism, direct-reference theories, or even Fregean Descriptivism. But names are predicates (...)
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  14. (2 other versions)Shifting sands: An interest relative theory of vagueness.Delia Graff Fara - 2000 - Philosophical Topics 28 (1):45--81.
    I propose that the meanings of vague expressions render the truth conditions of utterances of sentences containing them sensitive to our interests. For example, 'expensive' is analyzed as meaning 'costs a lot', which in turn is analyzed as meaning 'costs significantly greater than the norm'. Whether a difference is a significant difference depends on what our interests are. Appeal to the proposal is shown to provide an attractive resolution of the sorites paradox that is compatible with classical logic and semantics.
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  15. Beyond the Death-Drive: Psychoanalysis and Social Critique.Delia Popa & Iaan Reynolds - 2024 - In Dustin Byrd & Seyed Javad Miri, Sigmund Freud as a Critical Social Theorist: Psychoanalysis and the Neurotic in Contemporary Society. Leiden: Brill.
  16. ‘You're changing the subject’: An unfair objection to conceptual engineering?Delia Belleri - forthcoming - Philosophical Quarterly.
    Conceptual engineering projects are sometimes criticized for ‘changing the subject’. In this paper, I first discuss three strategies that have been proposed to address the change of subject objection. I notice that these strategies fail in similar ways: they all deploy a ‘loose’ notion of subject matter, while the objector can always reply deploying a ‘strict’ notion. Based on this, I then argue that at least current formulations of the change of subject objection (together with the response strategies just mentioned), (...)
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  17. Verbalism and metalinguistic negotiation in ontological disputes.Delia Belleri - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (9):2211-2226.
    The aim of this paper is to explore the view that some ontological disputes are “metalinguistic negotiations”, and to make sense of the significance of these controversies in a way that is still compatible with a broadly deflationist approach. I start by considering the view advocated by Eli Hirsch to the effect that some ontological disputes are verbal. I take the Endurantism–Perdurantusm dispute as a case-study and argue that, while it can be conceded that the dispute is verbal at the (...)
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  18. Phenomenal continua and the sorites.Delia Graff Fara - 2001 - Mind 110 (440):905-935.
    I argue that, contrary to widespread philosophical opinion, phenomenal indiscriminability is transitive. For if it were not transitive, we would be precluded from accepting the truisms that if two things look the same then the way they look is the same and that if two things look the same then if one looks red, so does the other. Nevertheless, it has seemed obvious to many philosophers (e.g. Goodman, Armstrong and Dummett) that phenomenal indiscriminability is not transitive; and, moreover, that this (...)
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  19. On Pluralism and Conceptual Engineering: Introduction and Overview.Delia Belleri - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy:1-19.
    Pluralism is relevant to conceptual engineering in many ways. First of all, we face the issue of pluralism when trying to characterise the very object(s) of conceptual engineering. Is it just concepts? Could concepts be pluralistically conceived for the purposes of conceptual engineering? Or rather, is it concepts and other representational devices as well? Second, one may wonder whether concepts have only one function in our mental life (representation) or, rather, a plurality of functions (including non-representational ones). Third, it is (...)
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  20. Downplaying the change of subject objection to conceptual engineering.Delia Belleri - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    Conceptual engineering projects have been criticized for creating discontinuities of subject-matter and, as a result, discontinuities in inquiries: call this the Change of Subject objection. In this paper, I explore a way of dealing with the objection that clarifies its scope and eventually downplays it. First, two strategies aimed at saving subject-continuity are examined and found wanting: Herman Cappelen’s appeal to topics, and the account in terms of concept function. Second, the idea is introduced that one can begin an object-level (...)
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  21. You can call me 'stupid', ... just don't call me stupid.Delia Graff Fara - 2011 - Analysis 71 (3):492-501.
    In this paper I argue that names are predicates when they occur in the appellation position of 'called'-predications. This includes not only proper names, but all names -- including quote-names of proper names and quote-names of other words or phrases. Thus in "You can call me Al", the proper name 'Al' is a predicate. And in "You can call me 'Al'," the quote-name of 'Al' -- namely ' 'Al' ' -- is also a predicate.
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  22. Two Species of Merely Verbal Disputes.Delia Belleri - 2018 - Metaphilosophy 49 (5):691-710.
    It is common to criticize a debate by alleging that it is a “merely verbal dispute.” But how conclusive would an argument based on such allegations be? This article takes the material‐composition debate as a case study and argues that the merely verbal dispute objection is less decisive than one might expect. While assessing the dialectical effectiveness of the mere‐verbality move, the article also tries to mark some progress in the philosophical understanding and appreciation of the phenomenon itself of merely (...)
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  23. Ontological disputes and the phenomenon of metalinguistic negotiation: Charting the territory.Delia Belleri - 2020 - Philosophy Compass 15 (7):e12684.
    Paradigmatic cases of ontological disputes are taken to concern whether or not certain objects exist. Some theorists, however, prefer to view ontologists as really debating about what we should mean with the term “exist” (or other cognate terms). This implies interpreting ontological disputes as metalinguistic negotiations, in keeping with a recent trend to interpret other philosophical disputes along these lines (Plunkett and Sundell. Philosopher's Imprint; 2013;13:1–37). A number of issues arise from such proposal. The first is what counts as evidence (...)
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  24. Critical Phenomenology and Phenomenological Critique.Delia Popa & Iaan Reynolds - 2021 - Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia 66 (1):7-20.
    Phenomenological critique attempts to retrieve the lived experience of a human community alienated from its truthful condition and immersed in historical crises brought by processes of objectification and estrangement. This introductory article challenges two methodological assumptions that are largely shared in North American Critical Phenomenology: the definition of phenomenology as a first person approach of experience and the rejection of transcendental eidetics. While reflecting on the importance of otherness and community for phenomenology’s critical orientation, we reconsider the importance of eidetics (...)
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  25. Socratizing.Delia Graff Fara - 2011 - American Philosophical Quarterlly 48 (3):229-238.
    In this paper I trace Quine's early development of his treatment of names, first as abbreviations for definite descriptions with "Frege-Rusell" style substantive content, then as abbreviations for definite descriptions containing simple predicative content, through to a treatment of names themselves as predicates rather than as abbreviations for this or that type of more complex expression. Along the way, I explain why—despite ubiquitous claims and suggestions to the contrary—Quine never actually uses the verbized name "Socratizes".
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  26. Specifying Desires.Delia Graff Fara - 2012 - Noûs 47 (2):250-272.
    A report of a person's desire can be true even if its embedded clause underspecifies the content of the desire that makes the report true. It is true that Fiona wants to catch a fish even if she has no desire that is satisfied if she catches a poisoned minnow. Her desire is satisfied only if she catches an edible, meal-sized fish. The content of her desire is more specific than the propositional content of the embedded clause in our true (...)
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  27. (1 other version)Descriptions with adverbs of quantification.Delia Graff Fara - 2006 - Philosophical Issues 16 (1):65–87.
    In “Descriptions as Predicates” (Fara 2001) I argued that definite and indefinite descriptions should be given a uniform semantic treatment as predicates rather than as quantifier phrases. The aim of the current paper is to clarify and elaborate one of the arguments for the descriptions-aspredicates view, one that concerns the interaction of descriptions with adverbs of quantification.
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  28. Profiling interest relativity.Delia Graff Fara - 2008 - Analysis 68 (4):326-335.
    Draft (Version 1.1, October 2007): (PDF file) A reply to Jason Stanley’s Analysis criticism of my interest-relative view on vagueness.
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  29. Relative-sameness counterpart theory.Delia Graff Fara - 2008 - Review of Symbolic Logic 1 (2):167-189.
    Here I propose a coherent way of preserving the identity of material objects with the matter that constitutes them. The presentation is formal, and intended for RSL. An informal presentation is in preliminary draft! -/- Relative-sameness relations—such as being the same person as—are like David Lewis's "counterpart" relations in the following respects: (i) they may hold between objects that aren't identical (I propose), and (ii) there are a multiplicity of them, different ones of which may be variously invoked in different (...)
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  30. Dear haecceitism.Delia Graff Fara - 2009 - Erkenntnis 70 (3):285–297.
    If a counterpart theorist’s understanding of the counterpart relation precludes haecceitist differences between possible worlds, as David Lewis’s does, how can he admit haecceitist possibilities, as Lewis wants to? Lewis (Philosophical Review 3–32, 1983; On the Plurality of Worlds, 1986) devised what he called a ‘cheap substitute for haecceitism,’ which would allow for haecceitist possibilities while preserving the counterpart relation as a purely qualitative one. The solution involved lifting an earlier (Journal of Philosophy 65(5):113–126, 1968; 68(7):203–211, 1971) ban on there (...)
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  31. Disagreement and Dispute.Delia Belleri - 2014 - Philosophia 42 (2):289-307.
    In this paper, I will trace a distinction between two different ways of thinking about doxastic conflicts. The first way emphasises what is going on at the level of semantics, when two subjects disagree by uttering certain sentences or accepting certain contents. The second way emphasises some aspects that are epistemic in kind, which concern what subjects are rationally required to do whenever they disagree with someone. The semantics-oriented and epistemically-oriented notions will serve for the purpose of assessing some aspects (...)
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    Caring for survivors: Do CSR policies matter for post‐restructuring employee performance?Delia Cornea, Yulia Titova & Jeanne Le Roy - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (S2):111-126.
    Organizational restructuring involving mass layoffs is an integral part of the corporate strategic landscape. While aimed at increasing a company’s efficiency and profitability, it often falls short of desired objectives, partly due to negative consequences for remaining employees, the so-called “survivors”. As workforce reductions may jeopardize a company’s legitimacy, we develop a model that links the change in post-restructuring employee productivity to the factors that help mitigate legitimacy issues. By using a comprehensive and innovative dataset of restructuring announcements reported by (...)
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    Slurs: Departures from Genuine Uses and Derogation.Delia Belleri - 2020 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 62 (1):9-24.
    Some non-appropriated uses of slurs seem to be non–derogatory. In this paper, I argue that in a range of cases, the lack of derogation is owed to the term not being genuinely used. I first examine so–called pedagogical uses and show that they can be assimilated to what I call “distancing uses.” I then turn to a range of other apparently non–derogatory, non–appropriated uses of slurs – such as non–weapon uses, comedic uses – and argue that they can depart from (...)
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    Students’ and supervisors’ knowledge and attitudes regarding plagiarism and referencing.Delia Grace & Johanna F. Lindahl - 2018 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 3 (1).
    BackgroundReferencing is an integral part of scientific writing and professional research conduct that requires appropriate acknowledgement of others’ work and avoidance of plagiarism. University students should understand and apply this as part of their academic development, but for this, it is essential that supervisors also display proper research integrity and support.MethodsThis study used an online educative questionnaire to understand the knowledge and attitudes of students and supervisors at two institutes in Europe and Africa. The results were then used to create (...)
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    Krausist Criticism of the European Imperial Nationalism Doctrine.Delia Manzanero - 2022 - Human Affairs 32 (1):39-47.
    This study presents some of the contributions to the process of the constructing Europe since the illustrated ideas of the German philosopher Krause that were promoted and represented by eminent Spanish Krausist legal experts, such as Francisco Giner de los Ríos. His conception of Europe and European civilisation contains theories that, despite being surprising and openly opposed at the time, have today become part of the global heritage of modern day legal philosophy and our social aspirations. We firstly study how (...)
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  36. Ontological disagreements, reliability, and standoffs: The pluralist option.Delia Belleri - 2021 - Metaphilosophy 52 (3-4):348-362.
    The reliability challenge to ontology can be summarized as the complaint that no satisfying explanation is available of how one can have true ontological beliefs, given that the relevant belief-forming methods are noncausal (for example, not perception based or memory based). This paper first presents a version of the reliability challenge against realist approaches to ontology, put forward by Jared Warren. It then explores a response to the challenge on behalf of the realist that appeals to the use of abduction. (...)
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  37. On What is Effable.Delia Belleri - 2013 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 2 (4):341-349.
    The Effability thesis has it that all propositions can be encoded by a sentence. By contrast, the Ineffability thesis has it that no proposition can be encoded by a sentence. In this article, I undermine an important motivation for the Ineffability thesis and advance a proposal concerning what is effable and what is not. My strategy will be as follows: First, I'll note that the Ineffability thesis assumes that propositions/thoughts are determinate. I'll point out that propositions/thoughts qua the things we (...)
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  38. Ambivalent Identifications: Narcissism, Melancholia, and Sublimation.Delia Popa & Iaan Reynolds - 2022 - Consecutio Rerum: Rivista Critica Della Postmodernità 11 (6):161-186.
    Beginning with Freud’s treatment of identification as an ambivalent process, we explore identification’s polarization between narcissistic idealization and melancholic division. While narcissistic identification can be seen as a strategy adopted by the ego to avoid the educational development of its drives and to maintain itself either in whole or in part in an infantile state, melancholic identification activates a tension between the ego-ideal and the real ego at the expense of the latter. After discussing the ambivalence of identification, we review (...)
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    Gestures as Archives: Truth, Loss, and Resistance.Delia Popa - forthcoming - Human Studies:1-19.
    In this paper, I develop a phenomenological investigation of gestures that focuses on their temporal formation and their historical sedimentation. My approach combines a genetic phenomenological analysis with psychoanalytic investigations, to elaborate on the idea of an archeology of gestures that explores the hidden historicity of their fugitive expression and the consistent patterns of their bodily manifestation. The paper examines four aspects of gestures—hovering, exhibition, mimesis, and resistance—in order to question their relationship to truth. In the last part of the (...)
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    Awareness as an alternative to abandonment? Critical notice of Herman Cappelen’s The Concept of Democracy.Delia Belleri - 2025 - Asian Journal of Philosophy 4 (1):1-13.
    Herman Cappelen’s book The Concept of Democracy makes a case for ‘abolitionism’, that is, abandonment of the word ‘democracy’ and related terminology (‘D-words’). Cappelen’s strategy includes a direct argument for abandonment, aiming to show that D-words are meaningless; and an indirect argument, based on a comparison of abandonment with other options (for instance, replacement or amelioration). In this critical notice, I focus on his comparative case, arguing that the competing options and their respective challenges are not so well demarcated—where this (...)
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    You can say what you think: vindicating the effability of our thoughts.Delia Belleri - 2014 - Synthese 191 (18):4431-4450.
    The thesis of Ineffability has it that no proposition can be fully expressed by a sentence, this meaning that no sentence-type, or even sentence-token whose indexicality and ambiguities have been resolved, can fully encode a proposition. The thesis of the propositionality of thoughts has it that thoughts are propositional. An implication of the joint endorsement of these two theses is that thoughts are ineffable. The aim of this paper is to argue that this is not the case: there are effable (...)
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    Vers quelle phénoménologie de l'image? Maldiney lecteur de Husserl.Délia Popa - 2011 - Archives de Philosophie 74 (3):439-456.
    Creation and passibility sketch the new phenomenological style present in the Henri Maldiney’s descriptions. Yet it would be impossible to find a way in the aperture made possible by this new phenomenological practice if some returns weren’t operated towards the first places where phenomenology was born. This paper aims to underline some crossings between the phenomenology of Henri Maldiney and the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl in order to think over about the task of the phenomenological description. Following Maldiney’s example, the (...)
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    The materiality of experience. Phenomenology between phainology and phenomenism.Delia Popa - 2024 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 6 (2):47-65.
    In this paper, I consider the materiality of experience as stemming from a temporal process of sense-formation (Sinnbildung), whose essence is not just formally configured, but also materially organized. In order to understand this process of sense-formation, I first examine the materiality that is intrinsic to the intentional sense and its relationship with the sensible materiality of experience brought forth by the project of hyletic phenomenology. In the second part of the paper, I propose to overcome the tension between a (...)
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  44. Why Semantic Unspecificity is not Indexicality.Delia Belleri - 2014 - European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 10 (1):56-69.
    In this paper, I address the idea that certain sentences suffer from what is generally called semantic unspecificity: their meaning is determinate, but their truth conditions are not. While there tends to be agreement on the idea that semantic unspecificity differs from phenomena such as ambiguity and vagueness, some theorists have defended an account which traces it to indexicality, broadly construed. Some authors have tried to vindicate the distinction between unspecificity and indexicality and, in this paper, I pursue the same (...)
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    The Application of Feed - Forward Neural Network Architecture for Improving Energy Efficiency.Delia Balacian, Denisa Maria Melian & Stelian Stancu - 2023 - Postmodern Openings 14 (2):1-17.
    The energy sector contributes approximately two-thirds of global greenhouse gas emissions. In this context, the sector must adapt to new supply and demand networks for all future energy sources. The ongoing transformation in the European energy field is driven by the ambition of the European Union to reach the climate objectives set for 2030. The main actions are increasing renewable energy production, adapting transition fuels like natural gas to reduce emissions, improving energy efficiency across all economic sectors, prioritizing building, transportation, (...)
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    The Underdeterminacy of Sentences and the Expressibility of Our Thoughts.Delia Belleri - 2016 - Dialectica 70 (1):29-48.
    It has been argued by many authors that sentences fail to express full-blown propositions: a phenomenon known as semantic underdeterminacy. In some cases, this thesis is accompanied by a conception of thought as fully propositional. This implies that sentences fail to fully express our thoughts. Against this, I argue that many thoughts can be fully expressed by sentences, where by ‘fully expressed’ I mean encoded by a sentence plus minimal contextual information. These are thoughts that may be characterized as less (...)
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    The Veil of Appearance Phenomenological Inquiries on Husserlian Methodology.Delia Popa - 2018 - Phainomenon 27 (1):53-67.
    This paper explores the role of appearance in Husserl’s theory of knowledge, stressing its importance and its necessity. Far from being an accident that clarity, evidence or reality can evacuate, appearance is constitutive of our experience and of our approach of its grounding principles. In the light of this idea of appearance, the contingent aspects of our lived experience become an expression of the sense-formation process supporting and transforming it. This paper is a contribution to a larger discussion – including, (...)
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    El fundamento democrático de la soberanía en Francisco Giner, según el Corpus Mysticum de Francisco Suárez.Delia Manzanero - 2015 - Isegoría 53:571-592.
    El presente artículo trata de ofrecer un análisis detenido de las similitudes y diferencias que pueden establecerse entre el concepto de soberanía que formulan F. Giner y F. Suárez. En primer lugar, analizaremos los matices que presenta el concepto de corpus mysticum a fin de ahondar en el fondo democrático que implica esta idea. En segundo lugar, trataremos de dar cuenta de este fenómeno de recuperación del legado de los iusnaturalistas clásicos hispanos que fue llevado a cabo, paradójicamente, no desde (...)
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    The Promise and the Gesture: From Critical Situations in Life-Histories to Original Forgiveness.Delia Popa - 2023 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 54 (3):265-281.
    In this paper I examine the relationship between promise and gesture, in order to understand how they co-participate in the configuration of our life-histories. I start by noticing the role played by promise in establishing a dialogical pact of trust, through which an experiential cohesion is maintained through time. Reflecting on the variable conditions of mutual trust, I focus on crisis-situations when we cannot keep the promises we make to others and to ourselves. Relying on the thesis of an “original (...)
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    The Use of Non-verbal Displays in Framing COVID-19 Disinformation in Europe: An Exploratory Account.Delia Dumitrescu & Mina Trpkovic - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    While online disinformation practices have grown exponentially over the past decade, the COVID-19 pandemic provides arguably the best opportunity to date to study such communications at a cross-national level. Using the data provided by the International Fact-Checking Network, we examine the strategic uses of non-verbal and verbal arguments to push disinformation through social media and websites during the first wave of lockdowns in 2020 across 16 European countries. Our paper extends the work by Brennen et al. on the use of (...)
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